So much for weekly updates… For the first time in 5mos I don’t have any spectacular photos to share. My weekly highlight lately is catching up with my folks via zoom.
I’m in week 6 of the Faster To Master program and I highly recommend. I had interviewed Arthur Worsley as my last guest on @nomadprep podcast. As sometimes happens the podcast interview ended up selling me and I became a student.
It’s a 6-week program to revamp your approach to productivity and time management. You do a time audit then seek to purge all activities that don’t get you closer to where you wanna be and focus on amplifying the ones that do.
It builds on a lot of the ideas of David Allen’s “Getting Things Done” and extends them with a framework to ensure everything you do is strategic. It has an elegant tiered approach where each level rolls up to support the next level. The most value I’m getting is that I can trace the thread of how what I’m working on this minute supports my highest purpose.
I’ve also been going through Michael Singer’s course “Living from a Place of Surrender.” I’m in week 7 of that and it’s very good as well. The notion of “surrender” isn’t natural to me- I’m a Taurus so I’m more inclined to charge ahead and make things work. But this course is an eye-opener explaining samskaras and how clinging and resisting creates blockages and surrender’s role in unblocking those.
Anyways weathering this pandemic from paradise has its +’s: the food here has been on point.
I’ve been helping the one and only @_rachelcrocker_ a bit with her biz. If you do any kind of online course or coaching she has an ingenious method for using FB messenger to generate leads.
In other news apparently there’s something called the “Eskimo toe dance.” Who knew?
We’re holding the first ever social distancing party for my b-day in a few weeks. Get in touch for deets if you’re in Canggu. And our first ever virtual Charity Makeover is this weekend. We have a few more spots avail. Check to see if we can use your skills. (at Bali)