Exactly one month to the day from arriving in the Bay Area, I pulled in an hour ago to my driveway back home in Tempe. What a month! The pictures from the trip say more than I possibly could in a single blog post. I met a ton of wonderful people in the Bay and made some great connections for our company. Here’s some stats from the trip that are interesting:
All told the trip cost a hair over $2k (which was way under budget). I want to personally thank all the people that went out of their way to give me a meal, a pillow, a piece of advice or an introduction to a valuable contact – the trip would obviously not have worked without the generosity and hospitality offered by these people. In chronological order here are some people that get a shout-out:
Christopher Birdsall – for a pit stop at the halfway point in LA
Scott & Sarah Yancey – for their repeated hospitality and their spectacular rooftop office
Ben Flajnik & Corey Marrs and their roommate Justin – for a comfy garage and access to do laundry ;-)
Francine Hardaway – for a fantastic intro and access to her beautiful house in HMB
Robert Scoble – for letting me be on his Podtech show as a guest
Andrew Hyde – for being on our podcast and putting on a killer startup weekend in SF
Tony Jeffries – for all the key intros and drinks at La Bodeguita
Josh Margulies and his fiancee Liv – for an aerobed and many connections (congrats on your engagement!)
Jen Margulies – for 2 critical intros (happy birthday!)
Mark Fletcher – for meeting with me and sharing entrepreneurial advice and a helpful contact
Jay Margulies – for critique on our exec summary and letting me partake in two family celebrations
My brother Connor – for hooking me up with a place and fixing my Quickbooks issues (happy 30th!)
The Carroll family – for allowing me to join the family on Thanksgiving away from home (RIP Pop Carroll)
Jen Behan and her family – for round #2 of pumpkin pie and a warm home on a cold Thanksgiving night
Tom Jackiewicz – for a thermarest and a stellar selection of connoisseur tequila
Jasmine Antonick – a key intro to an important connector
Debbia Landa and her crew – 2 intros to solid funding sources and a wonderful meal
The Hamilton family in Newport Beach – for a crash pad and a family feast at the end of a long trip
To these people my couch and home are yours anytime. More on some of the many things I learned on this trip in a later post. For now, I’m really looking forward to my own bed. Here’s a cool video I shot yesterday while driving back down the coast on Highway 1:
And here’s what a month’s worth of receipts and business cards looks like ;-) G’night.

[…] I met 7foot 2in (kidding.. he’s only 6′10 or somthin) Sean Tierney 3-4 years ago at a local meetup. Over the years he has impressed me with his big ideas, networking ability, real life guitar skillz, and all around awesome. Besides that fluff, he has managed take his virtualization startup, jumpbox.com, through two angel/seed investment rounds and just bagged a deal with one of the biggest blogging software suppliers on the planet. […]