Jun 05

trac_logo.pngWe just released the Trac/SVN Development JumpBox. This is a virtual appliance that integrates the popular SVN source control system with Trac for documentation and issue tracking. We’re excited about this JumpBox because it’s the first one that takes a massively complicated install (a process which can take the experienced developer two days) and reduces it to a 30sec task.

  • If you don’t know what source control is or why you should use it, read this.
  • If you know what source control is but don’t know why you should use Subversion, read this.
  • If you use Subversion currently but don’t see why you should integrate Trac,
  • And if you already use Trac/SVN and don’t understand why you should use JumpBox to skip setup, read this and then read this.
  • As with all JumpBoxes, you can use it perpetually for free if you don’t mind having our navigation and don’t need access to the premium features. During the remainder of the release candidate phase (approx 3wks) you can still unlock the premium features and get shell access and automated backups without paying. With today’s other releases of Drupal and Dokuwiki this brings the total to 9 Open Source applications currently available. If you’re in Phoenix, we’ll be at Refresh Phoenix tonight demo’ing the Trac JumpBox. We’ll be shipping production releases of all applications July 1st. Get ’em while you’re still able to unlock them for free!

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    Jun 04

    plum.jpgI was just thinking plums are completely under-rated. I just had one and it was delicious. But when was the last time you heard of a dessert with a plum in the name? Think about it:

  • Strawberries get shortcake
  • Bananas get splits
  • Blueberries get muffins
  • Lemons get meringe
  • Apples get fritters (whatever those are)
  • Cherries get pie and to be on top of a lot of other desserts
  • Peaches get cobbler
  • Oranges get juice
  • Even limes get keylime pie (i would never think to make a pie with limes)
  • The list goes on but plums get zero. They’re like the ostracized fruit of the produce section. If anyone has connections at a supermarket we should seriously try to hook plums up with some affirmative action. Or at least lobby to get them featured on the Iron Chef or something – I bet those guys could make a kickass pie with plums if we just gave ’em a chance. Buy a plum next time you shop and throw it on some ice cream, you will be amazed.

    What other fruit do you know of that’s neglected?

    Jun 01

    Well May is over and I finished yesterday the last of the posts on the Founders At Work Digest. The book by Y Combinator co-founder Jessica Livingston was dense with practical advice from people who had built and sold successful startup technology companies. I started taking notes and had originally intended to write-up a single post summarizing my thoughts but I ended up with way too many thoughts and decided to do the “post a day for the month of May” series instead.

    So what is the secret sauce that freed these founders from the laws of physics that bind the rest of us and allowed them to create amazing companies that changed the world? While there is no single “success chromosome” that can be identified, there were definite themes and character traits that became apparent across all the stories. I highly recommend this book to anyone with a startup. If you’re thinking about buying it, scan the digest first for the major takeaways and decide if it’s worth it. I summarized each story and peppered the commentary with anecdotes from our own founder perspective having built JumpBox from scratch over the past year. I hope you find it useful. Enjoy!

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