Apr 27

A public prediction for the next move by the five-person company that is taking the development world by storm: you will see 37signals launch a guild/certification within the next few months whereby developers pay $x to get "37sigified" and receive a plaque and a snippet of javascript that let’s them display a badge on their blog substantiating that they know how to "Get Real." This is the move that makes the most strategic sense. This post on O’Reilly Radar says it best:

37signals is taking “vertical integration” to new heights — now they not only make the software everyone is using, write the books everyone is reading to know how to use the software, sell the PDFs everyone is reading to know how to sell the software they’re writing, and design the interfaces everyone is copying, they’re also putting the butts of the developers they’ve trained into seats at the startups they’ve inspired with their new job network

The next logical play for them will be to capitalize on all the street cred and developer loyalty they have amassed thus far, or at least that should be their next play. Kimbro says, "those guys are just printing money" and that is the true mark of an important company when they can manifest dollars at will from the value they represent. The developer certification program would not only allow them to print another batch of dinero for cashflow but the nature of the program would also extend their reach and blow up their already disgustingly good Pagerank and visibility by having developers display a small 37s logo on their blogs and link back to them. Those guys are positioned for world domination in 2007 and they have to know it.

© 2005 Lights Out Production – All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Apr 22

Starting a new monthly tradition, here’s a smorgasbord of thoughts, none of which is significant to merit its own post but all of which deserve mention.

Buying a place in Mexico

I just did it. This one will get its own post at some point as I intend to journal the entire process of what’s involved in legally establishing ownership rights to coastal property in Mexico. Basically, Americans are not allowed to own property within a certain proximity to the coastline in MX (200mi?). The way it’s achieved is via what’s called a “fidei comisso” or a trust established through a Mexican bank with yourself listed as the sole beneficiary. The trust is renewable indefinitely and gives you all the rights of ownership to be able to deed, inherit, sell, whatever. My friend Benny and I just picked up this pre-construction condo in Playa del Carmen (shhhh don’t tell anyone, this place is poised to explode). There are a bunch of great pics from my college reunion trip down there last week that show how nice Playa is. I’ve almost perfected the art of the tripodless QTVR and I shot two down there, one on Mamita’s beach:

QtvrThumbMamitas.jpg QtvrThumbChichenitza.jpg

oh and here’s a video that shows where the Mayan athlete’s played this wicked game of cricket where the winner got beheaded as a sacrifice to the gods. Talk about motivation for point shaving and throwing the games… jeesh. My plan is to live down in Playa for about 3mos out of the year next year once G7 is in full swing with steady revenues. Their internet is fast and living is cheap.

Airplane headphones off indicator idea

So this is a random thought, but on the way back from MX both times the flight attendant lady had to come by and tap me on the shoulder to say “the pilot has announced you need to turn off your headphones.” I had to take my headphones off and ask her to repeat what she just said- there’s zero chance that anyone with headphones on would hear the pilot tell them to shut them off- they need a visual indicator. I’m thinking every airplane still has the antiquated “No smoking” illuminated signs left over from the 80’s when there were actually times when people could smoke on the plane. These signs stay illuminated 100% of the time- what’s the point? They should really just paint a “no smoking” sign and swap out that illuminated sign with a “no electronics” indicator so that passengers have a visual cue when to disable things like headphones. Audible cues don’t work too well when you’re jamming out…

Art of the Start and Purple Cow

I finished both and they were each good in their own right. I should really write up cliff’s notes on each one but the 30sec take on these books is:

  • AOTS – dense book packed with many genuine, actionable insights from Guy Kawasaki – the core essence of what he proposes is to focus on creating meaning rather than creating money. I’m a big fan of this guy and his syle, he was the product evangelist for the Macintosh and he has a knack for slicing through the “bullshitake” as he calls it and getting to what’s real. He’s very 37signals-esque in this respect and anyone who is starting up a business or a project of any kind for that matter would do well to read this book. I also recommend tuning into his blog which is also excellent and obviously interactive and current.
  • PC – Seth Godin crams a lot of nuggets of wisdom into this short book. It had aromas of both Gladwell’s books, Tipping Point and Blink and a smidge of Christiensen’s Innovator’s Solution, but the idea is that either your business is remarkable (like a purple cow) or it’s invisible. The covers all the different ways you can transform your idea to be remarkable. It discusses why the traditional evolution of companies cause incumbent businesses to grow complacent and fail to innovate beyond their first home run. Seth recommends poaching from big marketing budgets and channeling those funds into internal skunk works R&D projects. Focus on creating a killer product that people will rave about rather than marketing to people to tell them how good your blah product is.

Grid7 update: McPing and Rawjobs

A bunch of people have asked me what’s up with Grid7- we definitely haven’t kept the homepage current with the progress we’ve been making but in our defense, we’re focusing strictly on development at the moment. We launched the first G7 project which is not sexy in itself but serves as a cornerstone for the bigger picture of the structured blogging initiative in which we’re engaged. McPing is live but not officially announced, you can take a sneak peek and we’ll make the announcement once it’s loaded with useful data (disclaimer: we’ve had server instability issues this past week so the site is intermittently down until we move hosts). Here’s how it works:

Structured blogging is the passion of my partner Kimbro and it’s where blogging/RSS is all headed. There are three moving parts to the structured blogging thing- the content feeders, the notification router and the end-user directory services. MCping is essentially the Ping-o-matic of structured blogging and serves as the librarian that knows where all the feeds are and passes realtime notifications through to the edge aggregators that are monitoring the feeds. Again, it’s not visually sexy (but then again neither is Ping-o-matic) – it’s a foundational piece for us though and finally nice to have something live as our stake in the ground. The first edge aggregator vertical we’re tackling is the job postings market. The site were building is called RawJobs (raw as in, “the stem directly from other blogs using structured blogging to post them, no middlemen involved). To the end user it will function not much different than all the other job sites out there except for one major distinction under the hood: how the jobs postings are acquired – it’s entirely open in its approach and anyone who posts using the jobs micro-content definition format will have their listing appear on RawJobs by virtue of their use of this format. Pretty slick.

More to come on this stuff as we roll out the structured blogging initiative. We’ve setup a Grid7 blog and just need to customize it before adding it to the site. In the meantime if you’re interested in learning more about structured blogging, there are a ton of resources we’ve clipped on our “Tag” page.

Cold Turkey Adult Prom Gig

Cold Turkey played one of the most fun shows of our musical career the night after I returned from Playa. I setup a flickr account for the band and posted a slideshow on our site.It was a wild time and proved that many people (myself included) still have a repressed desire to relive the 80’s hairmetal days. My brother had an emergency come up last minute and we found ourselves scrambling for a bass player the day before the show. Fortunately my boy Manny filled in and turned what could have been a disaster into one of the best performances we’ve had. Big ups to Dixon Oates for organizing this party- it became an overnight legend.

2 iPod Hacks

  1. Does everyone know you can play audiobooks back at 1.5x their normal rate? The setting to achieve this is under Settings > Audiobooks > Faster – I haven’t figured out how to add podcasts and voice memos as audio books to appreciate this same benefit on other spoken word audio, but I’m sure there’s a way. I would think this would be mega-useful for any student that wanted to record a lecture via iPod and doze off or work on something else- he/she could digest the material in 2/3rds the time at a later point.
  2. The “Hold” button on the top of the iPod can be used to hold it in the off position just as effectively as it holds it in the on position while working out or doing anything where buttons are inadvertently pressed. Maybe this was obvious but I just discovered it and it saved my batteries this trip (last time it got jostled around in my bag turning it on occasionally so my batteries were dead when I arrived)

Odeo and iTunes store review

I’m in the process of setting up a client with the capability to do weekly podcasts and distribute the audio he currently sells on CD via the iTunes store. I’ll blog what I learn once the iTunes store has been established but I can say that Odeo makes about as simple as it could be to record and syndicate a podcast via your site.

Massive Del.icio.us goodness

I finally got around to one of those much-procrastinated items on my todo list of transferring all my firefox bookmarks over to del.icio.us (btw, does anyone else find it a pain to write the word “D E L . I C I O .U S). There is a ton of gems in this pile – I didn’t realize that they had the ability to protect certain bookmarks so now I have all the server maintenance-related stuff in there as well which is nice because I can get to this stuff remotely if I’m not on my own laptop.

Good Movies

The Three Burials of Milkiado Estrada – obscure independent film that slipped under the radar. Well worth renting when it comes out. Also, Why We Fight – another independent that looks at the military industrial complex in the US and traces its origins back to WWII. The old footage of Eisenhower’s speeches cautioning the public to keep the MIC in check are eerily relevant today.

VPC / Eclipse filesave slowdowns

I had a day’s worth of hair pulling associated with this problem I’ve encountered where saving files in Eclipse over a mapped drive to a virtual PC instance takes like 15sec on each save. When you’re deep in development and you’re saving and testing repeatedly, that’s a serious morale killer and causes big delays. After ruling out various culprits, we sniffed the traffic on the network interface and discovered a shit-ton of chatter on the SMB protocol. I disabled the SVN browser plugin I had installed on eclipse and that seems to have helped and gotten filesave time down to about 5sec, but it’s still problematic. I was advised to eliminate the mapped network drive aspect as Eclipse has problems saving this way. I tried UNC paths but that was actually worse for me. My friend Benny recommended NFS which I’ll probably try next but the real solution here it sounds like is to get VMware running on one of the new Macbook Pro’s. Budget-permitting I hope to make that switch this summer…

Stop this ridiculous telcom bill

Take 2min and fill out this petition. It’s disturbing that they have this bill on the ballot and clearly the result of some slimly lobbying by big Telcom companies but this will pretty much ruin the Internet for people if it goes through. It’s the equivalent of asphalt companies in the US suddenly banding together and declaring that all streets are now toll roads… insane.

Avail for consulting

Lastly, my partner Kimbro and I will be available for consulting contracts shortly. He’s big time software architect and knows about 20+ languages. I’m talented with Coldfusion as a developer but my strong suit is in business process analysis and distilling true business requirements and managing the development of a project. Kimbro is avail now and I will be looking for the next contract around mid-may when I deliver the massive extranet we’ve created for ABC that helps them interact with their housing providers and social workers. If you have a relatively-large project and need consulting, get in contact with us.

© 2006 Lights Out Production – All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Apr 05

Contrary to posts I’ve read on the nightmares people have had with Dell, I had my third experience with their customer service yesterday and it was nearly flawless. I actually added a new category of feed called “Endorsements” to offset the “Rants” and acknowledge companies when they kick ass. Every computer breaks occasionally – you can’t fault a manufacturer for goods that wear out from usage – just like with people, it’s how they handle the problem when it happens that defines their character and all I can say is that this is the reason I bought a Dell in the first place. The experience of getting the repair was _nearly_ perfect and my only qualm with it was that they buried the service request form deep in their site and made me go through their troubleshooting wizard before displaying the ability to file a service request. I can see how this would help limit the number of unnecessary requests by forcing people to try their troubleshooting steps first but I knew this problem required filing a service request and spent about 15min hunting around their site for it before attempting the wizard.

So I’ve been hammering out code for ABC the past few days which is good, but the problem with hammering out code is that you hammer out your keyboard as well- my “d” key became ultra-sensitive on Monday and started generating the letter “d” spontaneously while I was typing. I’ve had my Inspiron 9300 for almost a year now and other than an SD reader that went bad this summer, this is the only problem I’ve had. It wasn’t a total showstopper for using the machine but it was definitely a nuisance and hindering my ability to type quickly because I was constantly deleting a bunch of “d’s” (deeezz nuuutz). I checked the dell.com site and found that I had 11 days remaining on warranty, floundered briefly on their site trying the livechat and looking for the service request form, finally found it by walking through their troubleshooting wizard and filled out the request form. I got an email an hour later from a human that said I didn’t have on-site warranty status and I would normally have to send them my laptop but that in light of the repair necessary and my expressed inability to go without a machine at this crucial time, they would drop a keyboard in the mail along with instructions on how to fix it (the beauty of human intervention over automated handling of this service request). Having never performed a keyboard transplant before I was skeptical about conducting this type of surgery myself but given that the hindrance in typing was becoming a real roadblock, it made more sense to try and fix it.

The next morning (yesterday) when I got to work, there was a new keyboard on the doorstep complete with tools and instructions on how to make the swap. Somehow between writing code, learning songs for our upcoming gig and dashing off to the Refresh meeting, I managed to perform a successful transplant of the keyboard and I’m now happily back in business. There was prefilled air bill in the box and I just repackaged the defective keyboard with the tools that were included and dropped it in the mail today. This is how it’s supposed to work, right? I have to give props to Dell for a stellar display of what good customer service should be.

On another note the Refresh meeting was probably the best I’ve attended so far and we had a lively round table discussion with about sixty participants of what’s involved in launching your own business. I recorded the audio and made it available here. If you’re outside of Phoenix, check www.refreshingcities.org to see if there’s a Refresh in your town yet – this is a very passionate group of people sharing insights about their trade. Big ups to James Archer from 40 Media for moderating this discussion.

© 2005 Lights Out Production – All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Apr 01

I used to have this picture hanging on the wall in my old office and one day I took it down because I realized why it resonated with me so much and why it needed to go. The hot topic now seems to be about how the daily barage of communications we receive is making us all A.D.D. and unable to concentrate intensely on one task – in order to be effective people have to force themselves into seclusion to get stuff done. Just the other day I was on the phone as messages were piling into my inbox, two IM windows popped up and my treo started vibrating as a text message came in. The person on the other line said "what the hell was that?" and I had to say "oh, don’t mind me I’m just weathering a tsunami of communications right now." No joke, I got a skype call about 5 minutes after I hung up and our fax machine ran out of paper later on that day and started beeping at my partner and I. Into this volley of exchanges mix in the constant temptation to tune into Bloglines to read the latest RSS goodness, or technorati alerts or to check up on the latest stats for your site are you can see that we’re dealing with a blizzard of distractions each day. So here is my advice for what to do:

Unplug. Literally remove your ethernet cable and disable the your wireless interface on your computer.Never in mankind’s history has an individual had so much access to knowledge and yet the stream of information has become a flailing fire hose out of control and the only way to to manage it is to occasionally "kink the hose." I know it sounds harsh and people say "how do I connect to the _fill_in_the_blank_service on the network i need to do my job?" If you rely upon remote resources during development then you’re pretty much screwed and you need to stay wired and handle each comm application individually by disabling them one at a time (IM, email, skype, IRC, gtalk) and then remove whatever shortcut you have on your desktop to your web browser and make it just inconvenient enough to browse so you resist the temptation to do anything but focus on what needs to be done. If you’re running VMware or VPC though, like I do, then you are already fully self-contained and it’s literally as simple as pulling the plug and doing your work. For those that rely upon things like livedocs and other hosted documentation, there are generally offline versions of this documentation you can get. For those that rely heavily on asking other people on lists how to do things, well maybe this is a well-deserved wakeup call for a little "RTFM" for you…

There are people like this and this that somehow thrive in this hyper-connected world and stay productive. Sean Corfield is, by today’s standards, a modern-day superman – he is seemingly omniscient and omnipresent, five places at once solving technology problems around the world and holding a steady full-time position for Adobe. How a human can be this multi-threaded is beyond me (Corfield you rock). This is the exception however and not the rule – the rest of us mere mortals are sadly only capable of devoting full attention to one task at a time and therefore need to make a conscious effort single-thread our work routine.

It may be a stupid analogy but the way I like to think of myself when I’m on critical path is as a submarine that comes to the surface occasionally to conduct communications and then submerges and goes silent. Depending on what projects, deadlines, etc you’re facing you can be more or less flexible at the depth you set. Right now, it’s crunch time for me on my ABC project so I’m only coming up to periscope depth about 3x per day at this point. When deadlines are loose you can cruise on the surface and run with fully-open communications. If you have a family that depends on you or are awaiting time-sensitive information and you need to make yourself accessible to certain people in real-time (ie. turning off your phone is not an option), there are ways to selectively let certain people through. There is Call Filter for the treo (an app actually written by a guy we know) that does for your phone what rules in Outlook do for your email. It lets you specify conditions based on contact categories, contacts, and time of day so that only certain people can call you during specified times. Very slick.

The other thing I recommend is going back to good ole audio CD’s for music listening during crunch time. Generally during an average day I have winamp tuned to some ambient channel on shoutcast streaming non-obtrusive chill background music without lyrics. But radio of any kind is by nature fragmented. There is something to be said for the musical contiguity of listening to a CD start to finish – one artist, one album, continuous musical theme throughout. Things like satellite radio, internet radio or (heaven forbid) traditional airwave corporate radio in my opinion seem to contribute to the scatter-brainedness one faces each day. You consciously or unconsciously absorb these 3min ala carte snippets from a bunch of different artists interspersed with commentary from various radio personalities (major oxymoron btw) and commercials. I have a rack of CD’s left over from college sitting in my office that I still have yet to transfer to my iPod and I find that popping in a CD while I’m submerged helps focus.

My friend Dave just launched his blog and is taking it further with an experiment that will potentially allow him to ditch his cellphone altogether. I’m not quite there yet – I still find the cellphone too convenient to toss – but I agree with the premise that we need to exercise periodic isolation in order to achieve our best productivity. If this whole thought of "yourself as a submarine" feels ridiculous, ask yourself what’s more ridiculous in a crunch deadline…

© 2005 Lights Out Production – All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Mar 29

I just finished the 37signals book “Getting Real” yesterday and wanted to share some thoughts. We bought a 10-user license the day it launched to give each one of the members of the G7 pilot program. Having followed the 37s blog for well over a year, I like their philosophy and we knew this would be a good distillation of their principles and a good way of indoctrinating this philosophy in our own peeps. First if you are in the web application development industry and do not know who 37signals is, you are some kind of ostrich – these guys are the success story of a small business. They were a tiny usability-focused design firm a few years ago that stuck to their guns, kept lean and focused on simplicity. They now arguably have the most influence of any sub-10-person company in web development. They “scratched their own itch” by productizing Basecamp, a tool they had created for internal use of managing the development of their own projects and have turned it into a massively-popular solution for collaborating on projects. They have a no bullsh*t approach to everything they do that is so refreshing and have near-religious following on their blog Signal vs. Noise in terms of the loyalty of their readers. They have created a few other products like Backpack, Tada List and Campfire all of which are interesting for their interface design but none as popular as Basecamp (we’re using Basecamp in G7 in conjunction w/ Trac & Subversion to manage our projects). So enough of the ego stroking, overall impression of the book:

Get it. It’s cheap ($20) and it’s available instantly in pdf. It’s a quick read and while you may find no single piece of mind-blowing info that revolutionizes the way you do things, it’s a great way to assess and tune your own philosophy towards software development. They have a minimalistic style and are very much consistent with the AGILE philosophy of rapid iterations and getting a barebones working application developed quickly and in the hands of real people so you can get empirical feedback to guide the development of the product. The book covers the full cycle of research, development, testing and deployment and addresses aspects of application development and design. About 20% of the entire text is peppered with words of wisdom from heavy hitters like Joel Spolsky (Fog Creek), Seth Godin (Purple Cow) and Derek Sivers (CD Baby). It’s a quick read (maybe half a day if you do nothing else). The particular points I found interesting:

On having an enemy – this may sound counter-intuitive – we should avoid having enemies right? But when you’re developing a product, it’s helpful to identify the ones in your space that you hate – it helps you crystallize the essence of what your product will NOT be, how you differentiate it from the existing options and helps galvanize your staff with a mission. You obviously can’t focus exclusively on trying to beat competition, but having an “enemy” to reference makes the game more fun. Their thoughts on “tell a different story” are very much in line with the ideas espoused in the Innovator’s Solution on not picking a fight you can’t win. If your competitors tout feature robustness, go after simplicity. If they flaunt their impeccable support for every browser since Netscape 1.0 – go after responsiveness, a snappy clean interface and only support firefox and safari…

On emergence – Their thoughts on API’s facilitating emergent behavior echo our own at Grid7 – the more you can expose the functionality of your applications outside of the visual interfaces which you conceive, the more you open up the door for others to remix your app, build on top of it and take it a direction you hadn’t imagined when making it. Even though it’s not listed on our G7 homepage, we’re spending the majority of our time right now developing an extremely forward-thinking approach towards how data like job postings, book reviews, events and anything structured will be shared in the future. It involves structured blogging and microcontent and it’s the brainchild of my partner Kimbro Staken. You can read more about this whole initiative from the “tag” page of Grid7 here.

On where the real gains are – This an extremely insightful paragraph from p. 50 and it’s something I’ve known but haven’t seen it expressed anywhere as eloquently:

The best designers and the best programmers aren’t the ones
with the best skills, or the nimblest fingers, or the ones who can
rock and roll with Photoshop or their environment of choice,
they are the ones that can determine what just doesn’t matter.
That’s where the real gains are made.

This is so true- think about all the time you spend learning new facets of a language or the latest ajax widget to make a form work 1% better than how it does now. All this effort to add more flare would be better spent pruning what’s already there and delivering a more stripped-down, intuitive version that lets the user achieve their goal more simply.

On team size and distributed decision-making – this is another great paragraph and is literally at the heart of Grid7 (the 7 originally meant no team above seven people):

As projects grow, adding people has a diminishing return. One of the most
interesting reasons is the increased number of communications channels. Two
people can only talk to each other; there’s only a single comm path. Three
workers have three communications paths; 4 have 6. In fact, the growth of links
is exponential…Pretty soon memos and meetings eat up the entire work day.
The solution is clear: break teams into smaller, autonomous and independent units to reduce these communications links.

On the value of enthusiasm over skill – I can’t stress this enough – I would way rather have someone who is stoked about learning and has an idea they’re passionate about vs. having an elitist recluse who may be the best programmer in the world but has a condescending attitude towards the others on the team. What you know at any given time in our industry is not nearly as important as your ability to adapt, how well you can learn to learn and your passion for what it is you do. I said it in my talk for Refresh the other day, “of the six questions involved in any project- the what / where / when / how / why / who, if you can get one and only one right- fix the WHY solidly in your gut and the others will find a way to resolve themselves.”

On creating prototypes before code – Amen. Before you write a line of application code you should have already sketched out the screens from the app and the flow of the site so you know how it will work. Next step is to translate these into a clickable prototype so the people using it can see what’s involved and provide feedback that will invariably alter the design of the application and hence the code that you would have already written. I did this when first starting the ABC extranet project and it proved to be wildly helpful. I mocked up a wireframe initially using paper and then converted it to a digital version using Adalon, from that I was able to generate this HTML wireframe which I went over with the client and refined until we had all the screens accounted for. Next I threw together a clickable HTML prototype of that wireframe (no logic, hardcoded, CSS from another site since it would be changed eventually anyways) so the client could see exactly how it would work. This is apparently the exact process 37s uses which is encouraging and validates how we are approaching development.

Interesting byproducts of this tactic they pointed out that I had never considered were the improved vision/enthusiasm of the developer, the ability to make better estimates on time/cost and the compass function it served in guiding the development effort. Read this paragraph:

Once the html mockups were completed, we approached our developer,
Scott, with the idea for Blinksale. Having most of the ui designed up front
was extremely beneficial on several levels. First, it gave Scott a real vision and
excitement for where we were going. It was much more than just an idea,
it was real. Second, it helped us accurately gauge how much of Scott?s effort
and time it would require to turn the design into a functioning application.
When you?re financially bootstrapping a project, the earlier you can predict
budget requirements, the better. The ui design became our benchmark for
the initial project scope. Finally, the ui design served as a guide to remind us
what the application was about as we progressed further into development.
As we were tempted to add new features, we couldn?t simply say,Sure, let?s
add that!? We had to go back to the design and ask ourselves where that
new feature would go, and if it didn?t have a place, it wouldn?t get added.

On the choice of languages and how it affects the developers you attract – I’m well aware of all the productivity-enhancing elements of RoR for doing web apps but something I had not considered was the point they made about how the choice of language/platform in creating an application to some extent determines the mentality of the people that will be working on the app. Think of the various choices out there (php, asp, cf, jsp, asp.net, ruby, python, perl) – now think of the stereotypical developer for each language and how you imagine them. I won’t label any of them (even though stereotypes contrary to opinion are useful for making decisions) – there is variation within each language but in general, you hire a java programmer and you can expect different java programmers to see the world in similar ways, same goes for php, same goes for Ruby. They point out the valuable insight that choice of language should not solely focus on variables of performance, scalability, learning curve, etc – but should also take into account the “philosophy of the developers that work in this language” variable.

On code debt – Just reiterates the importance of refactoring in building an application iteratively. You make concessions along the way, calculated tradeoffs in the interest of getting working software earlier but if you let the “broken windows” pile up then you can bankrupt your application in code debt by having many tiny shortcuts lead to poor morale and bugs.

On reaching mavens for a successful launch – Malcolm Gladwell calls them Mavens, Seth Godin calls them Sneezers, the guy we rent office space from calls them Igniters – whatever. The point is if you’re launching something new and trying to get it to “tip” and cross that threshold of adoption where it spreads on its own, you need to focus on things that empower the alphageeks to spread the word more easily. This includes educational pro-bono stuff, spiffy features that people talk about but are still consistent w/ simplicity of the app, and mostly by focusing on creating something valuable for a niche of people. A market is by definition “a group of people that will potentially buy your stuff and reference each other.” This trait is key and 37s recognizes perhaps better than anyone else how to drop teasers on their blog and create a loyal following. Companies that are now paying employees full-time to simply write blogs that regurgitate the marketing messages from their websites are _completely_ missing the boat on how to reach mavens.

On their philosophy of karma, teaching and “pay it forward” – couldn’t agree more- this is at the heart of Grid7 and we are committed to bubbling up the lessons we learn in our experiments back to the community that supports us. Whether you consider this type of effort purely altruistic and karmic or as a pure, calculated mechanism for getting exposure for your stuff, it’s effective. Either way it’s something we’re committed to and are already doing to some extent by exposing our internal “tagging” of topics of relevance on the G7 site.

On ideas vs. execution – spot on. We’ve said it before and I’ll say it again here “ideas are a dime-a-dozen, it’s the execution that matters in the end.” When people express skepticism at sharing their ideas on the Grid7 application or companies seeking VC investment try to have their potential investors sign an NDA prior to sharing info- we say “bleh.” You can have the greatest idea in the world with poor or zero execution and it translates to nothing. Conversely, you can have a mediocre idea with enlightened execution and it’s definitely worth something just for the way in which its implemented.

I’ve been reading quite a bit lately and plan to share thoughts on some of these other works when time permits:

  • Guy Kawasaki – Art of the Start
  • Seth Godin – Purple Cow
  • Jim Collins – Good to Great
  • Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation – Fasttrac TechVenture
  • Rhonda Abrahams – Simple Business Plan
  • Thomas Pender – UML Weekend Crash Course
  • Dave Thomas – Agile Development with Rails

© 2005 Lights Out Production – All Rights Reserved Worldwide

Mar 26

is a fancy term for the phenomenon that explains the bystander effect. I first learned about it a year ago when I read a book written by a local ASU professor called Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion. Of all the interesting ideas in that book, I’ve seen this one confirmed at least weekly in my own life and as recently as yesterday. In an emergency situation, understanding the concept of pluralistic ignorance, the bystander effect and how to slice through them could prove life-saving.

The extreme example that illustrates the concept of pluralistic ignorance (PI) is the 1964 murder of a woman in NYC. This lady was stabbed to death in broad daylight over the course of two hours and the act was witnessed by no less than forty bystanders, yet nobody did a thing to intervene. Understandably, there was a huge stink in the media following the murder- "how could forty people let a gruesome event like this occur in plain view?" The conclusion at the time was that clearly society was in decline and people were simply becoming apathetic to others’ problems (?!?). Subsequent research, however, supported the PI theory that in situations where one is confronted with uncertainty, he/she checks the reactions of peers for cues on how to respond. When other bystanders exhibit calmness, the observer that thinks he/she is the only one who finds the situation disturbing reserves those doubts internally and expresses false calmness to fit in. Strange self-feeding anomalies like the NYC murder can occur because this "groupthink" pseudo-acceptability perpetuates itself amongst observers and actually strengthens the effect as more people join in.

Just yesterday in boarding a SWA flight on my way home from Lake Tahoe I experienced this effect firsthand. I was engrossed in the final pages of the latest Michael Crichton thriller and had missed the announcement for my section to board the plane. It was a full flight and when I looked up there was still a ton of people directly in front of me and I couldn’t be sure if my section had boarded already. I grabbed my gear and rushed to the group of people in front of me if they had already called the "A’s." About eight people must have turned around and just stared at me- not one person responded. It was an awkward moment returning the blank stares of these folks. Remembering the PI effet I raced over to a different line and singled out one guy and asked the same question. The people with him turned first towards me and then towards him and he immediately responded that they had in fact called the A group already. While this was clearly not a life-and-death situation, it does demonstrate an important lesson:

My TakeawayIf you ever find yourself in an emergency situation and need immediate help from a bystander, resist the temptation to call blindly on a group of people for assistance and instead meet the gaze of one person, single that person out and call upon them for assistance within earshot of the others. Intuitively it would seem that the shotgun approach of calling on a larger group would yield more likelihood of grabbing someone’s attention, however, it has the opposite effect of setting stage for this abdication of responsibility to occur. By singling one person out publicly, you put the PI effect to work for you and create a situation where that person is now center stage in front of the others and at the very least will respond with concern and consequently generate more concern in the observers. This causes a self-feeding positive spiral that you want to occur. What’s interesting is that there is this focal point that is the reaction of observer #1 that is the fine line between a downward spiral towards complete apathy of the other bystanders vs. an upward spiral of a convergence of many people trying to help. If there’s a side you want to err upon in a crisis it’s clearly the latter and understanding the PI effect can be critical towards creating that response.

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