Nov 22

I just helped my friends Youtube the video trailer they’re doing for a movie about their trip to Europe for the World Cup this year. The opening is “once upon a time, nine men conquered all of Europe one beer at a time… this is their story.” Their mission was to represent USA at the World Cup. It’s about 5min long and hilarous. Business always seems to shut down about 3pm the day before Thanksgiving- watch this when things start to get slow.

Among the things I’m thankful for today: the fact that I have such crazy friends for one. Check it:

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Nov 21

Note to self: HIPAA is broken in a big way. I went for a medical procedure yesterday and beforehand I had to sign a 2-page privacy form. Read the highlighted part at the beginning and tell me if you would even bother reading the rest. It basically says the provider has the right to change anything about its policy at any time without consent of the patient and have it apply retroactively to any patient information they’ve gathered in the past.


Hrmmmm… so lemme get this straight: it’s mandatory that we agree to a contract that says the other party can change anything at will with no consent from us, no repercussions and have it all apply retroactively to what was agreed upon prior? What’s the point in reading the rest of the agreement after that clause if they can change it to anything after the fact on a whim? That’s the equivalent of a car dealer selling you a car and putting a clause in the contract that he can change the price at his discretion after you drive off the lot and you are responsible to pay it. And not only that, but this arrangement now applies to every car he’s ever sold in the past! Would anyone ever do business with such a dealer if they had other options?

I’ve decided that HIPAA is worthless. We had to implement HIPAA-compliant security measures on an extranet project we did for a mental health provider last year but now I realize that all the technical security you put in place is pointless if the policies themselves that dictate how the information gets used (abused) can be changed at random.

It seems to me the way to fix this idiocy is not through consolidating things further by piling up more convoluted governmental policy for all medical providers but instead by purposefully fragmenting the data and eradicating the existing policies to give people choices as to who they can deal with. People will vote with their wallets as to which policies are reasonable. As it stands now you have no option- you are bound by these ridiculous policies and you are dealing with a faceless monster.  And worst of all it’s not even the providers’ fault nor within their power to make things better. The bigger picture here of insurance and governmental bloat is disturbing really. Free market forces will take care of this type of nonsense if they are allowed to work on their own. The role of this country’s administration should be to ensure that free market forces are allowed to do their thing unencumbered, not to legislate and enforce laws about what can be done with information.

There are no less than ten other nonsensical clauses in this swiss-cheese-of-a-privacy policy. This document would simply not fly in a consumer-facing, unregulated business. You can read the whole ridiculous medical privacy policy here if you feel so inclined. Sorry for the rant but this really is just idiocy plain and simple.

Nov 17

We just posted the audio from all the sessions at the first ever Arizona Entrepreneurship Conference last Wednesday. There’s a total of 800MB and 14hrs of information. It was mostly panels and interactive discussions facilitated by entrepreneurs and venture capitalists from Arizona who have first-hand experience of what works and what doesn’t in business. We released this audio via the Grid7 Venturecast podcast consistent with our goal of advancing entrepreneurship in AZ. In spite of a few technical glitches that diminished the quality it came out surprisingly decent given the situation. Big thanks to Francine Hardaway and her crew for making it happen.

Nov 07

jumpBoxlogo.pngIt’s not every day you get the privilege to announce the birth a new technology that alters the rules of an industry. I present to you JumpBox, the easiest way to deploy complex server applications. Essentially, we’ve done the tedious part of laying all the plumbing and foundational work so you can deploy any non-windows-based server application on any of the three major virtualization platforms (Xen, VMware and Parallels) in a single file. Companies are waking up to virtualization as a deployment option but are realizing that there are a slew of issues to be solved in order to effectively distribute a virtual appliance and not just a virtual disk image. Rather than everyone expend internal resources to reinvent the wheel, we figured we’d solve it and let the vendors focus that time on building better features in their products.
Ruby on Rails with MySQL? No prob.
PHP with Postgres? Yep.
Python with DB-XML? Indeed.
Java with Fyracle? Sí Señor
Is there anything that can’t be deployed on JumpBox? Well, for now Windows (until MS sorts out their licensing, activation and sprawl of registry entries and other MS freakishness).

I won’t rehash the concept and value of JumpBox here. Watch the 5min flash intro on the site to get an idea of what this is all about. We just pulled into Phx from a roadtrip to VMworld 2006 in LA where we lit up the site. We’ll be demo’ing the technology at Refresh Phoenix tomorrow night and then presenting briefly 8am Wed morning at the AZ Entrepreneurship Conference.

To our engineering team- I am extremely proud of you guys. You are proof that a small group of people passionate about an idea, working together sans beauracracy for four months can truly change the world. You guys rule. This is the first of many great things we will build together.


Nov 01

This year Cold Turkey dressed up as the guy from V for Vendetta in those crazy Guy Fawkes masks.We played a fun show at a Halloween house party (thanks Josh). I posted some pics to flickr here. If you have photos from that night, tag them “HalloweenMonsterJam2006.”


I dug through some old photos and found some pretty ridiculous past costumes.

Here’s the “One Nightstand” from 2001 when it was still an original idea


…then you have the classic “Cereal Killer”…


and my favorite (not to mention winner of the scariest costume contest in 2004 at the party we were at):


and here’s our “Turk ‘o lantern”


yep, Halloween is a great holiday indeed – a chance where you have a license to be ridiculous and it’s perfectly acceptable. I was at the bank yesterday and asked the teller what their policy is on letting people in with masks on Halloween. No dice – makes sense to me…

So what were you for Halloween?

UPDATE 10/31/07: pretty awesome costume from this year:

More pics from that night here.

Oct 21

nikePlusAppliance.jpgI’ve been meaning to buy an iPod nano for awhile so I could use the Nike + running appliance to track my runs. We received Nano’s for attending the Office 2.0 conference last week in SF so I finally picked up the Nike device this week and just tried it for the first time today. All I can say is that this is what Web 2.0 is truly about. It has nothing to do with AJAX and rounded corners- it’s simple, invisible technology that bridges your real life with online and quietly improves your quality of life, gives you useful information to enhance your health, connects you with health-conscious strangers, motivates you to stay in shape and allows you to talk smack with friends on the other side of the globe all in the pursuit of better fitness.

This little gadget is about the size and thickness of three stacked quarters and sells for $30 at the Apple store. They try to sell you the special Nike running shoes that have a divot in the sole where the appliance clips in but realistically, it works anywhere in the shoe. I just took my old running shoes, removed a few stitches from the rubber logo and sewed it into the tongue. This thing is amazing- once you calibrate it, it tracks your runs (both time and distance), can calculate calories burned and talks to you during your workout to tell you where you’re at. You can designate your power song (think your own personal Rocky theme song) and if you start slacking it automatically kicks in to motivate you to exert yourself more.

Calibration of it was slightly annoying. I’ve never run on a treadmill before but I figured that would be the best way to gauge a mile and calibrate the device. Realistically the best way to calibrate it is to either find a known street distance or better yet, a racetrack. Once it knows your stride though, it tells you exactly how far you run. The interface is slick- this is a great example of a rich interface (looks like they used Flex as the technology). The community they’re building with this service has to be extremely valuable to both companies as well- health-conscious people that aren’t just self-proclaimed but demonstrably so.

Possibly the coolest feature is the seamless integration via iTunes with the site- every time you sync your Nano, it will send the stats from your latest workouts to your account on Nike+ so you have one place where you can login and track your progress. You can also challenge up to fifty friends anywhere in the world and compare their progress with your own (smack-talking is always the best motivator for improvement). The Nike / Apple partnership is genius on so many levels- Apple has a new product, Nike sells more of their shoes and sports apparel that integrates, Apple sells entire workout playlists of celebrity athlete’s’ favorite workout songs complete with voiceovers to inspire the runner, both get access to a valuable community.


If you have friends with Nano’s that run, this is an affordable Christmas/Kwanzaa/Hanukkah gift they will never forget.

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