Nov 01

This year Cold Turkey dressed up as the guy from V for Vendetta in those crazy Guy Fawkes masks.We played a fun show at a Halloween house party (thanks Josh). I posted some pics to flickr here. If you have photos from that night, tag them “HalloweenMonsterJam2006.”


I dug through some old photos and found some pretty ridiculous past costumes.

Here’s the “One Nightstand” from 2001 when it was still an original idea


…then you have the classic “Cereal Killer”…


and my favorite (not to mention winner of the scariest costume contest in 2004 at the party we were at):


and here’s our “Turk ‘o lantern”


yep, Halloween is a great holiday indeed – a chance where you have a license to be ridiculous and it’s perfectly acceptable. I was at the bank yesterday and asked the teller what their policy is on letting people in with masks on Halloween. No dice – makes sense to me…

So what were you for Halloween?

UPDATE 10/31/07: pretty awesome costume from this year:

More pics from that night here.

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