Mar 27

Two forces of nature give talks that are a must-watch for anyone who is looking to change the world:

Steve Jobs’ commencement address at Stanford:

Randy Pausch’s farewell speech at Carnegie Mellon:

If you ever have an either/or choice of gaining all the knowledge or all the motivation to do something hard, choose the latter because it ensures you will find the former. Both talks put the daily minutiae of stuff like the post below in perspective and replenish the spirit that they sap. Do yourself a favor and take the next 2hrs of free time that you have and watch both talks. Whatever you’re working towards I cannot think of a more productive way to spend that time. Be warned- you will have a tear by the end of Pausch’s talk.

BONUS: The minute you finish the video, when you have the most possible wind in your sails, take another five to open source your goals.

3 Responses to “The two most inspirational speeches of the decade”

  1. Maxim Porges says:

    Did you realize that both of these guys were diagnosed with pancreatic cancer? I wonder if there is a connection with the pancreas and natural genius…

    – max

  2. sean says:

    Max, I never put that together but that IS interesting.


  3. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Christie Lim. Christie Lim said: The two most inspirational speeches of the decade – […]

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