Jul 20

I want to go in the Philippines. This is just amazing:

They should let those guys out for at least a day just for the quality of choreography. I can see the warden now, “no it’s one AND two and three and four.” Solid.

5 Responses to “If I ever have to go to prison…”

  1. Tink says:

    Yeah i bet prison is great in the Philippines! ;)

    The original wedding reception thirller is pretty funny too.


  2. Dude, that is flippin’ hilarious! I can’t believe they were in such great unison. :-D

  3. sean says:

    I know right? If they can coordinate dance moves that well surely those guys can orchestrate a jail break. incredible.

  4. mp says:

    dude thats funny. if they were so coordinated they should be on tv:0

  5. sean says:

    I know right? If they can coordinate dance moves that well surely those guys can orchestrate a jail break. incredible.

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