Feb 01

I’m 30,000 feet above the Rockies en route to Sioux City, South Dakota on a brief stopover in the US and figured now is as good a time as any to write you a quick update email. I had originally intended to send these updates quarterly but semi-annual seems to be the frequency they want ;-)

The Remote Year program I joined back in May of 2016 concluded in May of 2017 in Buenos Aires. I never returned to AZ after it ended but instead chose to continue traveling working my way up South
and Central America via Chile, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, Dominican Republic and then making another stint through various countries in Europe. I spent the last three months living in Mexico City and the last two weeks kite surfing and working in La Ventana, Mexico.  I’m now up to a total of 61 cities, 18 countries and 4 continents in the last year and a half while still performing my role for my company Pagely as Director of Sales. It’s been one heck of an adventure.

Remote Year just last week did this piece on me and it’s a great summary of all I’ve been up to since that program concluded if you want more details.

One of the Remote Year groups that followed ours was named “Ikigai” which is a Japanese word that roughly translates to “the intersection of one’s purpose/mission/talents with what the world needs.” Late last year I took a hard look at all the experience I’ve acquired over the past two years in sales, travel, marketing automation, teaching, WordPress, writing and through this lens of Ikigai decided I was uniquely positioned to deliver an online course that would help others to make the leap and do what I had been fortunate to be able to do in taking my job on the road.

I started formulating an idea for an eCourse in October
and thought “yea I can probably knock this out in a few weekends, no problem.”  Four months later I’m *nearly* done with it (and by nearly, I mean, four months from now I’ll probably still be tweaking the content and learning management system ;-). But I’m proud to finally unveil what I’ve been toiling nights and weekends building: NomadPrep.com is the first course of it’s kind as an online academy to help the aspiring digital nomad to make a successful transition to this lifestyle.

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