Startup Weekend will be in Phoenix two weeks from tonight. This is a 2.5 day affair where strangers of different disciplines come together to build and launch a real product in a weekend. I attended the one in San Francisco back in November and wrote up some thoughts on that event. If you’ve considered starting your own business or just want a chance to meet and work with smart local people to build something real, you will not want to miss this.
The event starts at 6pm on Friday the 17th and will be held at the new Gangplank office at 325 E Elliot Road Suite 34 (SE Corner Elliot/Arizona Avenue). Tickets are $40 and cover food and overhead for the event. You can get them online here and see product ideas that have been proposed so far here.
I’m interested in learning what happened with the render farm idea (built on amazon’s EC2). Anything come of it?
I hope next time I will find out earlier so I can attend…
But I’m glad about this event…I am living here since 2 years ago and i hadn’t make contacts in the Phoenix tech world yet.