Jul 13
This is just awesome. The hall monitor from highschool is apparently in charge of our HOA now. The last one is particularly comical. I can think of a couple situations they haven’t accounted for though… clearly needs to be an addendum to this. Feel free to submit any rules you’d like to see and I’ll suggest them to our HOA.

Ha ha, no cuttoffs. That reminds me of the Daily Show segment Steve Carrel did one time about short-shorts. He ended the segment saying:
“When it comes to How short is too short for short-shorts… I say, Not short enough”
Geesh . . .
Wow.. That last one is outrageous. If I had to read rules like those before getting into a pool, I probably wouldn’t be in the mood for swimming any more.
I’m thinking the last one is THE most important one… I don’t want any Caddyshack action going on when I’m in the pool!
“Wow.. That last one is outrageous. ”
I’m with Jim on that one. Ditch all the others; just make sure there’s no leakage.
I *HATE* HOAs. They’re usually run by someone who feels it gives them a sense of power and purpose in their life. So of course, there’s nothing much else to do other than to exert that power.
We have HOA constantly hounding on us for one of our tenants kids leaving his bicycle on the apt porch.
Good lord…
ROFL That last one makes me think you live in Arizona with all the retirees. Oh, wait… ;-)
First time I’ve ever seen a pool rule that disallowed sun tan oil.. most of the others are ridiculous too..
The “no cut-offs” rule isn’t from people being prudish. It’s because many old-school pool pumps didn’t have shut-off valves for when things got stuck in the exchange…which on occasion meant women’s long hair or long stringy clothes (ie. cut-offs) getting sucked in and ending in a drowning. So, it used to be that girls had to also wear bathing-caps. Modern pools don’t have that problem as long as they’re up to code, but that old rule still lives on.
The "no cut-offs" rule isn't from people being prudish. It's because many old-school pool pumps didn't have shut-off valves for when things got stuck in the exchange…which on occasion meant women's long hair or long stringy clothes (ie. cut-offs) getting sucked in and ending in a drowning. So, it used to be that girls had to also wear bathing-caps. Modern pools don't have that problem as long as they're up to code, but that old rule still lives on.