Feb 04

So the challenge is this: given the design constraints of a whiteboard (where the ink can’t be moved but can be erased), what is the best way to show priority of items on a todo list?

The idea of reordering the items isn’t very practical because it involves completely erasing everything when priorities change and rewriting the list every time. Likewise, using numbering doesn’t work well either because let’s say you have:

  1. Fix plumbing problem on sink
  2. Buy wedding gift for best friend
  3. Mow the lawn
  4. Return DVD rental

…and for whatever reason your friend decides to call it off last minute, you now have either a list that says, "1 3 4" or you have to erase and rewrite all the numbers for each item (not to mention it’s impossible to glance across the room at a long list and see the highest priority items without discerning all the numbers).

The solution is simple: make a dot next to each item of a size that is proportionate to it’s priority (larger meaning higher priority). This way you can enlarge a dot when it grows in importance and shave off a bit if its priority drops. Erase the items as you complete them and add new ones in their place as necessary. I’ve used this method for about a year now and while it may be old hat to some, it could be new hat (?) to others. My friend David just showed me a screenshot of a 37 Signal’s Writeboard that has started using the dot size of items to represent priority so it seems there is some validation to this method and that others are thinking along these same lines too. Try it out for yourself.
(and if you find it useful Digg it!)

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Feb 03

Remember that game you played when you were in first grade with the big red rubber ball? Like softball only you boot the ball and the fielders can either try to throw you out at the bases or just wing it at you while you’re running… Well I recently discovered that it’s not just a game for first-graders anymore. My friend Benny talked me into joining his league and I gotta say this sport kicks ass (in fact our team name is the After School Specials so our cheers always involve some derivation of the word “ass”). It’s always cool to discover a whole new subculture that you never knew was there. I had no idea there was a World Association of Kickball Players. And in a weird way it’s strangely comforting to know that at any given time, somewhere in the world there is a group of grown adults playing kickball.

We had our second game last night against the Ball Maulers and so far we’re undefeated. The level of dedication people have to the game is amazing – the lights on the field went out at one point and the teams kept playing in the dark (Point Break style with a few lights from cars in the parking lot). I think kickball might become the new craze in terms of social functions. My team hit up a bar after the game and I got a chance to jump onstage to do a couple sets for an openmic. I had my iPod in my guitarcase and recorded the first one. The audio quality is poor (clearly the iTalk is intended only for talking – even with the sampling rate bumped as high as it will go it doesn’t capture the dynamic range high enough for music to sound good) but the set itself went over pretty well. I’m sure Tom Petty could never imagine that his “Free Fallin” would someday be remixed to the tune of “Now I’m Kiiiick… KickBAALLLin.”

The audio from that show here.

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