Nov 12

Anyone who responds to a bunch of customer emails will be repeatedly typing the same blocks of text. You get to a point where you wish phrases and entire paragraphs of text could be treated as a single word. Well I discovered an app for Mac that lets you do just that and it’s wonderful.

Previously I had a page in our Trac instance with a bunch of boilerplate text blocks as responses to common questions. I would cut/paste those into email and adapt them as necessary based on the situation. This was a shortcut over typing the entire message from scratch. But I’ve been using an app called Typinator for the past few weeks and this allows me alias sequences of keystrokes that auto-expand into blocks of text. So for instance, rather than end each email by typing “Let me know if you have any other questions” I can just type “lmk” and it turns into that sentence. This works for any amount of text and can even do rich text and embedded images.

While it may only shave seconds off the old method, the culmination of many reputations adds up. But more than anything this is just one of those small tools that helps you conquer tediousness and feel more efficient. And you can’t underestimate the gratification of that. These guys are a small Austrian company and they make other productivity products. Check ’em out.

2 Responses to “Typinator is a gem for customer support”

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Sean Tierney, karannnnnnnnnnn3. karannnnnnnnnnn3 said: Typinator is a gem for customer support: Anyone who responds to a bunch of customer emails will be repeatedly ty… […]

  2. Frank says:

    Typinator has literally and fundamentally changed the way I reply to pretty much all of my emails. It's a truly excellent product :-)

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