May 09

MCping.comToday we released a cornerstone, enabling technology that serves as a librarian/notification service to allow structured blogging content created using microcontent to be funneled to easily consumed by edge aggreator services. My partner Kimbro wrote the structured blogging plugins for both WordPress and Moveable Type which have been available for a few months. Adoption of the plugins is a chicken/egg conundrum however until there exists a compelling reason to create content using micontent definitions.

MCPing is the equivalent to the “Ping-o-matic” service of blog posts and provides a central, open notification system to any edge aggregator that wishes to subscribe to a certain MCD channel. Soon to follow is the next project we have been developing, – the first edge aggregator to consume these structured posts and provide a job posting service.

Read more about what’s to come on the Grid7 site and be sure to subscribe to our new podcast that promises to provide a more tangible, organic means for sharing the insights we gain through our pilot program.

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